
Passive haptics have long been used to enhance the user’s experience in virtual reality (VR). However, creating props to be used in a virtual environment can be a complicated and lengthy process. Current research looks to create passive haptic props based on the layout of, or objects in, the user’s real environment. However, we identify three key limitations of current research. Firstly, procedural generation introduces many unknown variables into the design process, which complicates applying such techniques to scenarios requiring knowledge of the virtual environment’s layout ahead of time. Furthermore, such techniques limit the size and dimensions of the virtual space to that of the real space. Lastly, current research necessitates pre-scanning or real-time scanning of the user’s real environment, often requiring specialist equipment and expertise, thus limiting its generalisability. This research proposes PropOrientedWorldRotation, a technique that attempts to answer the aforementioned limitations and simplify the process of adding haptic feedback to VR applications. We implemented this technique in a demonstration game and give an overview of the steps taken to apply the technique in a real context. We analysed the demonstration system’s performance and conducted an initial user evaluation in three different physical environments. While our stress test of the system’s performance highlights the necessity for certain optimisations in complex environments, our initial user feedback suggests that users experienced a stronger sense of presence and feelings of safety in our passive haptics-enhanced environment. Hence, we conclude that our proposal has the potential to enhance experiences in VR with haptic feedback.

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