
It is well known that the size of propositional classical proofs can be huge. Proof-theoretical studies discovered exponential gaps between cut-free (or normal) proofs and the corresponding (non-normal) proofs with cuts (or modus ponens). The task of automatic theorem proving is, on the other hand, usually based on the construction of cut-free or only atomic-cuts proofs, since this procedure produces less alternative choices. There are familiar tautologies whose cut-free proofs are huge while the non-cut-free ones are small. The aim of this paper is to discuss basic methods of weight and/or size reduction of deductions by switching from traditional tree-structured deductions to circuit-structured deductions. A desired efficiency is achieved by adding the standard weakening rule of inference upgraded by adding suitable (propositional) unifications modulo variable substitutions. We show examples where such a unification provides strong (in fact, exponential) compression of cut-free deductions. Bibliography: 10 titles.

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