
 The killing and torturing innocent children even infants can be traced from ancient times ofMoses. The burial of alive innocent girl babies under ten happened frequency at early times ofpronouncement of Prophet-hood by Muhammad peace be upon him. Presently, enormous andmassive incidents of torturing, abusing and killing are occurring and being reported in allsubcontinents. Recently a father killed two years son by hanging, because he was asking forfood. These offences are increasing particularly with primary and middle level school boys andgirls. A boy of 10 years was raped several times in a religious school by the teacher and hisaccomplices. Who will care for children the Law or parents or Law enforcement Agencies? Thesequence in such offences is first abduction then physical torture, molesting and abuse ofchildren and finally killing. The dead body is mutilated and thrown to public places to terrifypeople. The ‘modus oprandii’ of offenders vary from offence to offence. About three decadesback a serial killer in Pakistan abducted and killed (confirmed) 100 innocent children. The casestudy of this offence is presented in this research paper. The need of the day is to promulgatestrong legal framework for child protection against offences of torturing, abusing, or killing.Merely, the legislation cannot alone overcome such offences in the society. The infliction ofdeath penalty publically for some offences in Saudi Arabia, Korea and other countries has adeterrent impact on the society. The death penalty as well as public hanging, unfortunately isbanned in most of the countries. A large number of cases of torturing, abusing and molestingchildren admitted in religious school hostels are reported but neither action is taken by Lawenforcement agencies nor highlighted in press and media. The need of strong promulgation oflaw is also required to deal with gangs involved in children trafficking and selling human bodyparts obtained after killing them. The effects of child abuse are extremely harmful for thesociety, in whatever form it may be physical, sexual or emotional. It must be dealt with stronglegal framework.

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