
Investigations of prompt fission neutron (PFN) emission are of importance in understanding the fission process in general and the sharing of excitation energy among the fission fragments in particular. Experimental activities at JRC-Geel on PFN emission in response to OECD/NEA nuclear data requests is presented in this contribution. The focus lies on on-going investigations of PFN emission from the reaction 235 U(n,f) in the region of the resolved resonances taking place at the GELINA facility. For this reaction strong fluctuations of fission fragment mass distributions and mean total kinetic energy have been observed as a function of incident neutron energy in the resonance region. In addition, fluctuations of prompt neutron multiplicities have also been observed. The goal of the present study is to verify the current knowledge of PFN multiplicity fluctuations and to study correlations with fission fragment properties. The experiment employs a scintillation detector array for neutron detection, while fission fragment properties are determined via the double kinetic energy technique using a position sensitive twin ionization chamber. Results on PFN multiplicity correlations with fission fragment properties from the present study show significant differences compared to earlier studies on this reaction, induced by thermal neutrons. Specifically, the total kinetic energy dependence of the neutron multiplicity per fission shows an inverse slope FX 1TKE/FX 2ν approximately 35% weaker than observed in earlier studies of thermal neutron induced fission on 235 U. The inverse slope is related to the energy carried away per emitted neutron and is, thereby, closely connected to the energy balance of the fission reaction. The present result should have strong impact on the modeling of both prompt neutron and prompt γ-ray emission in fission of the 236 U compound nucleus.

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