
Prompt gamma-ray activation analysis (PGAA) is an important nuclear analytical technique that complements conventional neutron activation analysis (NAA). When a target is placed in a beam of neutrons, gamma-rays emitted upon neutron capture are measured by a shielded germanium detector, yielding quantitative elemental analysis. The radiation is penetrating and the analysis both nondestructive and independent of the chemical form of the element(s) being measured. The technique is most useful for measurement of light elements (H, B, C, N, Si, P, S, Cl) which can not be easily measured by other methods. Best sensitivity is achieved with neutron beams from research reactors. Although sample preparation is minimal, care must be taken to select proper standards and blanks, and numerous corrections must sometimes be applied to the data from the complex spectra. PGAA has proven useful for multielement analysis of a wide variety of different materials spanning a broad range of scientific disciplines. Of particular importance has been the measurement of hydrogen in materials.

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