
Entrepreneurship has become one of the important ways to create more opportunities. From the point of view of the subjective motivation of entrepreneurs, entrepreneurial activities can be divided into two categories—necessity entrepreneurship and opportunity entrepreneurship. Looked from the development trend of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial activities in China is transforming from the necessity entrepreneurship to opportunity entrepreneurship. Combined with the status quo of entrepreneurial activity in China, we should strengthen entrepreneurship education training, perfect the construction of business incubator, strengthen policy to support opportunity entrepreneurship, promote the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and promote the improvement of effect. Employment is vital to people's livelihood, and entrepreneurship is the source of employment. According to the national statistical department, in 2008, urban registered unemployment population is 8.86 million, and the unemployment rate is 4.2%, not including unemployed and laid-off workers. Implement the development strategy that creates more job to promote led by entrepreneurship, which is the important measures to improve the in China. Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Report on China - Entrepreneurship transformation and effect, (2007), completed by Tsinghua university, pointed out that the employment multiplier effect of opportunity entrepreneurship was obvious, and opportunity entrepreneurship was expected to create twice the number of jobs opportunity created by necessity entrepreneurship.

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