
The article is devoted to topical issues of promotion of historical and cultural heritage sites on the market of tourist services. It is pointed out that the shortcomings in the system of promotion of these objects cause low motivation of potential tourists to visit them. The promotion of the objects is organized by a number of different subjects, each of which has its own interest in this matter, and therefore presents the object it offers to visit in its own way. Due to the diversity of promotion activities, a potential tourist does not have a holistic view of the historical and cultural object, and hence the need to visit it. The article argues that the offer of a trip to a historical and cultural heritage site should be based on the interests of a potential consumer of services. To do this, in addition to the existing factors of consumer segmentation, it is proposed to use segmentation by historical and cultural priorities. The publication identifies segments of this factor for the historical ensemble of Zhovkva in the Lviv region. The need to independently promote historical and cultural heritage sites is pointed out, which should be based on their uniqueness and competitive advantages. It is stated that the means of promoting objects should be available to certain target groups and meet their interests. The main means of promotion are characterized. It is proposed to make more active use of modern communication capabilities, in particular the Internet. The model of information content of the site of the object of historical and cultural heritage is presented, the expediency of wide representation of objects in social networks is indicated. It is recommended to use their digitization to promote objects and to maintain a lively interest of a potential tourist by skillfully presenting materials. It is proposed to produce and distribute in popular networks short but meaningful videos, shoot and distribute clips of famous artists against the background of objects. It is pointed out that traditional methods of promotion should not be abandoned, including various presentations and guided tours for people who can potentially promote the object. It is emphasized that the maximum effect from the promotion of historical and cultural heritage sites is achieved provided that the tourist product and the conditions of stay of tourists will fully meet their requirements. Keywords: promotion, objects of historical and cultural heritage, potential tourists, means of promotion, tourist product.

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