
One of the sources of pollution that leads to deterioration of the quality of surface water, drinking water and the environment are sewage. Physico-chemical methods of research have established the poor quality of wastewater treatment at the Kamyanskyi treatment facilities for such indices as ammonium nitride, nitride, nitrate, petroleum products, iron and suspended matter.In the course of the research, it was found that the low quality of wastewater treatment from biogenic elements and suspended matter is associated with secondary contamination, which is due to the decomposition of the bioactivities of the walls of the structures and the increase in the number of filamentous bacteria, low dose of active sludge and overload. The purification technology consists of the following steps: mechanical cleaning (rake, gratings, primary settling tanks), biochemical purification (aerotanks and secondary sedimentation ponds), disinfection of waste water in contact pods with chlorine.To solve the problem, an improved scheme of biochemical wastewater treatment with the use of biosorbent (active sludge) and bioflocculant was proposed. In the developed scheme of wastewater treatment, it is suggested that the clarified waste water from the primary tanks be sent to the preaperatore to be cleaned, in which the waste sludge with a dose of1.0 g/ l is directed, which serves as a biosorbent.A laboratory plant for biological wastewater treatment (aerotank, secondary sedimentation tank) was developed on which the effectiveness of simultaneous application of a biosorbent and a biofloral agent during the preliminary purification process was tested. Thanks to the proposed technology, bioaccumulation of iron has been increased by 3 times, and the efficiency of purification by physico-chemical parameters has been improved by 30%. Also, the effectiveness of bioaccumulative action of inactivated sludge in relation to heavy metals such as: iron, cadmium, manganese, copper, cobalt and zinc has been proved.

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