
Global warming is caused by the retardation of CO2 assimilation by the elimination of NOx and NP in seven developed countries. Global warming can be protected, if enough amounts of nutrients containing nitrogen and phosphorous are supplied. Most easily available substances containing nitrogen and phosphorous are NOx and NP in waste water. But developed contrails are eliminating NOx by put in ammonia in the exit gas. and eliminating nitrogen and phosphorus in waste water by activated sludge process. CO2 assimilation is retarded and plankton and plant growth are retarded. If developed countries stop the addition of ammonia to the exit gas and close waste water clean center, CO2 assimilation is activated and CO2 does not increase and global warming will stop. In addition, production of grain and fish will increase and GDP, national wealth and population will increase. The goal “CO2 increase zero and growth” described in Paris Agreement could be accomplished sooner than 2050. Promotion of CO2 assimilation is essential for protection of global warming and for growth.

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