
As in many countries, tax collection is a development challenge in Kosovo. Kosovo is one of the poorest and youngest countries in Europe in terms of gross domestic product (GDP) per capita and both demographics and statehood. The lack of an independent monetary policy — given that Kosovo has adopted the euro as the national currency — means that ensuring the sustainability of fiscal policy is critical. However, limited tax revenues hamper the government's ability to address economic cycles. Between 2011 and 2017, total government revenue amounted to about 14 percent of GDP, below the average of 19 percent among countries in Europe and Central Asia. Unlike other countries, Kosovar government relies on taxes for more than 85 percent of its revenues. Mobilizing tax revenues is therefore critical. The Tax Administration of Kosovo (TAK) requested assistance from the World Bank and the Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) to address this challenge using an evidence-based approach. To this end, the World Bank and GIZ applied behavioral insights to promote tax compliance among specific groups of taxpayers. Three experiments were designed, implemented, and evaluated in 2018 that involved sending behaviorally informed reminders using letters, e-mails, and short messaging service (SMS) messages to various groups of taxpayers to induce timely and honest declarations and payments. The short-term objective of these trials was to increase the number and timeliness of tax declarations. Simple, behaviorally designed messages were effective in inducing tax declaration. Messages helped raise the tax declaration rate by an average of around 3 percentage points during a period of between four and six weeks. Among personal income tax (PIT) declarations, this represents a 59 percent increase in compliance, equivalent to over 200 more annual tax declarations among participants. The likelihood of payment rose in many instances, and no significant difference was found in the amounts of taxes paid. Lessons from the tax experiments in Kosovo highlight the benefits of rigorous impact evaluation and the need to establish processes that help integrate tax collection functions and data systems.


  • Kosovo is one of the poorest and youngest countries in Europe in terms of gross domestic product (GDP) per capita and both demographics and statehood.26 The youth of the country represent a prospect for future prosperity, but are hampered by structural issues, such as informality

  • Establishing a process to test tax collection efforts, learn from them, and adapt systems based on the lessons is at least as important as the impact of the interventions on revenue mobilization, which represents a longer-term goal that itself is a function of changes in declaration behavior

  • Tax rates are low compared with other countries in Europe and Central Asia

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Executive Summary

Tax collection is a development challenge in Kosovo. Kosovo is one of the poorest and youngest countries in Europe in terms of gross domestic product (GDP) per capita and both demographics and statehood. Establishing a process to test tax collection efforts, learn from them, and adapt systems based on the lessons is at least as important as the impact of the interventions on revenue mobilization, which represents a longer-term goal that itself is a function of changes in declaration behavior. Mobilizimi i të hyrave tatimore në Kosovë është i një rëndësie të veqantë: si nga perspektiva e efikasitetit (për të siguruar se tatimet mblidhen me koston më të ulët për administratën publike) ashtu edhe nga perspektiva e ekuitetit (për të siguruar se të gjithë tatimpaguesit janë në pajtim me deklarimin dhe pagesën e tatimeve). Administrata Tatimore e Kosovës (ATK) kërkoi asistencë nga Banka Botërore dhe Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) për ta adresuar këtë sfidë duke e përdorur një qasje të bazuar në dëshmi. Eksperimentet e ardhshme lidhur me tatimet mund të mësojnë nga sfidat e theksuara në këtë raport duke investuar barabart si në proces edhe në dizajn dhe të bazohen në rezultatet nga çdo provë për të testuar, mësuar, përshtatur dhe ri-testuar

Results dissemination
Summary of Results
Letter Reminders to Taxpayers Late in Submitting their PIT Declarations
E-mail Reminders to Firms Subject to the Value Added Tax
& Evaluation
Implementation Challenges
Opportunities Ahead
Full Text
Published version (Free)

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