
This RCT examined psychomotor therapy’s efficacy on promoting social-emotional skills and reducing behavioural problems. The multicentred study randomized children (1st/2nd grade) into intervention (IG) and wait-listed control groups (WG). Five children were excluded from data analysis. Overall, 28 children (Mage = 7.55 years, SD = 0.78) participated, 15 in the IG (Mage = 7.62 years, SD = 0.91) and 13 in the WG (Mage = 7.47 years, SD = 0.63). Due to the distribution of data, a non-parametric procedure (Wilcoxon-test) was used for data analysis in both groups. In pre-test and post-test, all children completed the IDS-2 functional Social-Emotional Skills Scale (IDS-2 SEK), their parents filled out the child behavioural checklist (CBCL / 6–18 R). Results: When comparing t1 (Md = 50.00) with t2 (Md = 57.00), only the IG (z = −2.217, p = 0.013, n = 14) but not the WG improved significantly in Socially Competent Behaviour. The significant improvement in the IG had an effect size of r = .57, which is defined as a large effect. Both groups improved in the functional domain Social-Emotional Skills. The CBCL showed a decrease in scores for Total Problems and Internalizing Problems in WG parents’ but not in IG parents’ reports at t2 compared to t1.

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