
Businesses have recognized that knowledge constitutes a valuable intangible asset, and currently they have access to an extensive pool of knowledge, from the skills and experience of the workforce and also their understanding of customers’ needs. The challenge’s for the businesses are not just processing these big data but also dealing with company’s cultural issues that allow knowledge sharing and information exchange. Sharing of knowledge constitutes a major challenge in the field of knowledge management because some employees tend to resist sharing what they know with the rest of the organisation. It takes the right environment to create an effective knowledge sharing program and for such an environment to be nurtured, organisations need to look inwards at the type of culture they promote before investing in knowledge sharing tools. The purpose of this study was to analyse the various factors affecting the knowledge sharing process in organisations and the use of innovative social business tools to promote knowledge sharing in organisations. A global survey was conducted for this study relating to the willingness to share knowledge, and the tools available for sharing knowledge. Also, a practical case study was conducted on a UK based company.

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