
The impact of high hydrostatic pressure (HP) treatment on dough viscoelastic reinforcement of highly-replaced wheat cereal matrices has been investigated. The gelatinisation/pasting and gelling profiles of HP hydrated oat, millet, sorghum and wheat flours, and the small and large deformation rheological parameters of blended wheat/non-wheat doughs were determined. Oat, millet, sorghum and wheat hydrated flours, at dough yield (DY) 160 and 200, were treated for 10min at 0.1, 200, 350 or 500MPa. Regardless the nature of the cereal, HP changes flour viscometric features, particularly in softer doughs (DY 200), leading to increased values for viscosity parameters, concerning pasting and paste cooking. Incorporation of 350MPa pressure-treated flours into bread dough formulation provided increased dynamic moduli values, particularly for wheat and oat/wheat blends, associated to a reinforced dough structure. Highly-replaced composite dough samples treated at 500MPa proved to be extremely stiff, resistant to stretch, low cohesive and low extensible, and thus not suitable for breadmaking.

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