
As the opioid overdose epidemic persists in the United States, it is important to provide specific first responder-oriented continuing education opportunities on interacting with, treating, and assessing individuals who overdose or who have Opioid Use Disorder (OUD). This research brief describes the first Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes (ECHO) program focused on first responders and opioids, including the content covered and concomitant popularity and the registrants’ objective knowledge and attitudes about opioids. Participation in the ‘First Responders and Opioids ECHO’ was free with no attendance requirements. Data include secondary assessment and description of the 9-session curriculum developed to address first responders’ continuing education needs on OUD and overdose as well as objective knowledge and attitudes collected at program registration and granular attendance data by topic. Of 158 registrants, 102 attended at least one program session, with participants attending an average of 3.26 sessions (SD = 2.62). Registrants reported mixed knowledge levels, but even among this voluntary cohort of early adopters, objective knowledge about OUD and best-practice overdose response was only moderate. Registrants generally displayed non-stigmatizing and affirming attitudes and beliefs (e.g., substance use disorder is a treatable illness [M = 1.56, SD = 0.73]), with somewhat less agreement with items focused on harm reduction and medication-based treatment. A plausible case can be made that there is a need for evidence-based continuing education on opioids for first responders and related professionals. A motivated cohort of registrants displayed moderate but inconsistent knowledge and generally favorable attitudes. We encourage further systematic process and outcomes research on this topic.

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