
Prominences are intriguing, but poorly understood, magnetic structures of the solar corona. The dynamics of solar prominences has been the subject of a large number of studies, and of particular interest is the study of prominence oscillations. Ground- and space-based observations have confirmed the presence of oscillatory motions in prominences and they have been interpreted in terms of magnetohydrodynamic waves. This interpretation opens the door to perform prominence seismology, whose main aim is to determine physical parameters in magnetic and plasma structures (prominences) that are difficult to measure by direct means. Here, we review the observational information gathered about prominence oscillations as well as the theoretical models developed to interpret small and large amplitude oscillations and their temporal and spatial attenuation. Finally, several prominence seismology applications are presented.


  • Quiescent solar filaments are clouds of cool and dense plasma suspended against gravity by forces thought to be of magnetic origin

  • In some cases, during the course of the oscillations, the filament becomes visible in the Hα image when the prominence is at rest, but when its line-of-sight velocity is sufficiently large, the emission from the material falls outside the bandpass of the filter and the prominence becomes invisible in Hα

  • The oscillatory periods were different for different threads, which suggested that the physical properties of the different threads were different, with periods varying between 44, 54 and 67 min, velocity amplitudes of the order of 40, 60 and 30 km s−1, while the oscillations of the different threads were in phase they did not show significant damping

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Quiescent solar filaments are clouds of cool and dense plasma suspended against gravity by forces thought to be of magnetic origin. They form along the inversion polarity line in or between the weak remnants of active regions. Observations already suggested that their fine structure is apparently composed by many horizontal and thin dark threads (Jager 1959; Kuperus and Tandberg-Hanssen 1967). More recent high-resolution Hα observations obtained with the Swedish Solar Telescope (SST) in La Palma (Lin et al 2005) and the Dutch Open Telescope (DOT) in Tenerife (Heinzel and Anzer 2006) have allowed to observe this fine structure with much greater detail (see Lin 2011, for a review). The measured average width of resolved thin threads is about 0.3 (∼ 210 km), while their length is between 5 and 40 (∼ 3500–28,000 km)

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Classification of prominence oscillations
Large amplitude oscillations: observational aspects
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Vertical oscillations
Transverse (horizontal) oscillations
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Longitudinal oscillations
Simultaneous excitation of transverse and longitudinal oscillations in prominences
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Oscillations in erupting filaments
Large amplitude oscillations: theoretical models
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Oscillations of line current models
Final remarks
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Small amplitude oscillations: observational aspects
Detection methods
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Spectral indicators
Trigger of small amplitude oscillations
Detected periods
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Correlations between period and other parameters
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Oscillatory amplitude
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Polarisation of wave motions
Wave damping and oscillation lifetime
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Wavelength, phase speed and group velocity
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Simple analyses
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An elaborate one-dimensional analysis
A two-dimensional analysis
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Thread oscillations
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Linear oscillations of very simple prominence models
Loaded string: gravity acting as restoring force
Loaded string
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Loaded string: finite width prominence
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Loaded string: order of magnitude calculations using the Kippenhahn–Schlüter model
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Loaded string: skewed magnetic field
Slab with longitudinal magnetic field
Slab with transverse magnetic field
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Slab with skewed magnetic field
Slab models with prominence–corona transition region
Stability of two-dimensional prominence models
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Fine structure oscillations (propagating waves)
Individual thread oscillations
Collective thread oscillations
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Fine structure oscillations (standing waves)
Cartesian geometry
Cartesian geometry: collective thread oscillations
Cylindrical thread
Flowing cylindrical thread
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Some remarks about Cartesian and cylindrical thread models
Numerical magnetohydrodynamic models
Impulsive excitation
Continuous, periodic excitation
Radiative magnetohydrodynamic models
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Theoretical aspects of small amplitude oscillations: damping mechanisms
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Damping of oscillations by thermal mechanisms
Non-adiabatic magnetoacoustic waves in prominence slabs
Non-adiabatic magnetoacoustic waves in a single thread with mass flows
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Non-adiabatic magnetoacoustic waves in a two-thread system with mass flows
Damping of oscillations by ion-neutral collisions
Homogeneous and unbounded prominence medium
Cylindrical filament thread model
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Resonant damping of infinitely long thread oscillations
Resonant damping in the Alfvén continuum
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Resonant damping in the slow continuum
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Resonant damping of global prominence oscillations
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Temporal damping
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Spatial damping
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Resonant damping in partially ionised finite length threads
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Resonant damping in flowing prominence threads
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Damping by wave leakage
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Seismology of large amplitude prominence oscillations
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Seismology of prominence slabs
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Seismology of propagating transverse thread oscillations
Seismology of damped transverse thread oscillations
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Seismology using period ratios of thread oscillations
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Seismology of flowing and oscillating prominence threads
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Bayesian prominence seismology
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Field aligned density structure in prominence threads
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Open issues
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