
This case report summarizes an envenomation by the Mangshan pit viper (Protobothrops mangshanensis), a rare, endangered, venomous snake endemic to Mount Mang of China, and the first reported use of Hemato Polyvalent antivenom (HPAV) for this species. The snakebite occurred in a United States zoo to a 46-year-old male zookeeper. He presented via emergency medical services to a tertiary center after sustaining a single P. mangshanensis bite to the abdomen and was transported with antivenom from the zoo. Within 2 hours of envenomation, he developed oozing of sanguineous fluid and ecchymosis at the puncture site, and about 4 hours post-bite, was treated with HPAV. His coagulation profile fluctuated with the following pertinent peak/nadir laboratory values and corresponding hospital day (HD): undetectable fibrinogen levels, d-dimer 8.89 mg/L and 7.43 mg/L, and INR 2.97 and 1.46 on HD zero and three, respectively. Other peak/nadir values included hemoglobin 9.7 g/dL and creatinine phosphokinase 2410 U/L on HD four and platelets 81 × 109/L on HD seven. The patient received a total of 30 vials of HPAV over 5 days and 1 unit of cryoprecipitate on HD six. Upon discharge on HD eight, laboratory studies were normalizing, except for platelets, and edema stabilized. This case describes an acute, recurrent, and prolonged venom-induced consumptive coagulopathy despite prompt administration and repeated doses of HPAV.

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