
A patient with diamniotic dichorionic twin (DADC) pregnancy was on regular antenatal checkup from conception, admitted to emergency department at 21 weeks with leaking PV. On per speculum and pervaginal examination it was found that clear liquor was draining from os & cervix was long and os was closed. USG revealed twin A sac having live fetus of 20 weeks with no liquor and twin B sac having live fetus with plenty of liquor. Considering the emotional aspect of parents we decided for conservative management which includes combination of antibiotics, micronized progesterone as tocolytic, probiotics, L- arginine and absolute bed rest. Caesarean section was performed at 31 weeks as she entered in labour and had cord prolapse. She delivered two live twin babies after a long latency period of 70 days. Twin ‘A’ baby could not be saved because of lung hypoplasia due to prolonged Oligohydraminous but twin ‘B’ was discharged safely along with mother. Since last decade assisted reproduction technique has increased in numbers of twin pregnancies and its complications. The most important are preterm labour and PPROM. On literature review there is no clear cut guide line for management of PPROM in early second trimester in twin pregnancies. This case is reported because of its long latency period of 70 days from PPROM in early 2<sup>nd</sup> trimester in a twin pregnancy to delivery by conservative management and can save the baby in intact sac. Also we can add our experience to currently available limited literature regarding management of such patient.

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