
The main objective of the study is to increase the meat production by rearing of Avishaan sheep. Avishaan sheep is a prolific sheep which is developed through crossing of three indigenous sheep breed (Garole, Malpura and Patanwadi). Avishaan sheep produce more number of lambs due to presence of FecB gene, inherited from microsheep Garole of West Bengal state of India. Avishaan sheep has better reproductive efficiency and litter size as compared to non-prolific Indian sheep breeds. Avishaan sheep has higher litter size, more litter weight and sufficient milk for their neonates. Therefore, it will be boon for farmers toward doubling the income by selling additional lambs received due to prolificacy trait inheritance. At commercial level, under intensive system, Avishaan sheep farming is most suitable for maximum profit. In future, due to declining natural resources, Avishaan sheep will fulfill the increasing meat demand of the nation.

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