
The uterine prolapse is an emergency rare in dogs. Among the factors that can determine this alteration we can mention the age, primiparas, forced traction, lesions in the birth canal, dystocia and uterine atony. The diagnosis is determined by the anamnesis, physical examination, radiography, ultrasonography and vaginoscopy and; the treatment include manual reduction, prolapsed mass amputation and ovariosalpingohisterectomy. The objective of this study was to report the occurrence of partial prolapse of the gravid uterus in a bitch. The animal had a history of arduous labor and the presence of reddish mass protruding from the vaginal canal. Treatments were imposed to stabilize the support frame and held on attempted manual reduction with the aid of epidural anesthesia. After exploratory laparotomy and subsequent ovariosalpingohisterectomy, this resulted in a correction of the partial prolapse and uterine rupture, giving a favorable prognosis and with full recovery of the animal.

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