
In every major city in Southeast Asia, especially Kuala Lumpur, where the populace is constantly exposed to sensational mainstream media that is entertainment, it is undoubtedly difficult to find support and acceptance for producing experimental cinema on your own (DIY). Most Malaysians find the phrase "Experimental Cinema" to sound "foreign". The question "What is it? What does any of that matter to me? What exactly are you doing? Therefore, the purpose of this writing is to provide some basic guides concerning experimental cinema. We are all aware that this diverse area of cinematic art defies easy categorization, and the DIY attitude of experimental art honors the humble personal opinion. The goal is to learn about the SISI TV Art Project, which consists of a number of collective experimental video works in Southeast Asia, specifically in Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines, and to observe and hear from various viewpoints, collectives with various backgrounds, as they share the joy and bravery that experimental filmmaking has brought them. May it motivate us to share the fun with one another.

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