
A Coxeter $n$-orbifold is an $n$-dimensional orbifold based on a polytope with silvered boundary facets. Each pair of adjacent facets meet on a ridge of some order $m$, whose neighborhood is locally modeled on ${\mathbb R}^n$ modulo the dihedral group of order $2m$ generated by two reflections. For $n \geq 3$, we study the deformation space of real projective structures on a compact Coxeter $n$-orbifold $Q$ admitting a hyperbolic structure. Let $e_+(Q)$ be the number of ridges of order $\geq 3$. A neighborhood of the hyperbolic structure in the deformation space is a cell of dimension $e_+(Q) - n$ if $n=3$ and $Q$ is weakly orderable, i.e., the faces of $Q$ can be ordered so that each face contains at most $3$ edges of order $2$ in faces of higher indices, or $Q$ is based on a truncation polytope.

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