
The distinctive patterns of thalamic input to the rostral (R), intermediate (I) and caudal (C) divisions of the pigeon Wulst were determined using the retrograde multiple label technique following concomitant injections of various fluorescent tracers into different Wulst loci. The results showed topographical projections from components of the visual thalamic n. dorsolateralis anterior complex. Major ipsilateral and contralateral projections upon the R and I Wulst stem from the pars lateralis ventralis and dorsalis nuclei, respectively. The nuclei pars lateralis rostralis, pars magnocellularis and n. suprarotundus provide weak bilateral projections to all of the Wulst divisions sampled. Lastly, bilateral connections from the n. superficialis parvocellularis upon I and C, and from n. dorsolateralis posterior upon the posterior C Wulst were also demonstrated. Based upon their patterns of terminal distribution upon the Wulst, some of these thalamic nuclei are compared to specific components of the mammalian geniculate and extrageniculate visual systems.

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