
Abstract. In the case of gunshot wounds, the upper extremities prevail poly-structural injuries, primarily characterized by damage to nerve trunks, vessels, soft tissues, and bones. Compartment syndrome is one of the most di ffi cult pathological conditions underlying the majority of fi rearm complications is injuries of the limbs and, above all, those accompanied by bone fractures and limbs, and can lead to permanent disability.Until now, fetal patterns have not been defi nitively clarifi ed in the topography of fascial- muscular formations, fi ber spaces, and projection anatomy of the vascular and nervous structures of the anterior region of the arm at diff erent stages of human ontogenesis.The study aimed to establish the vascular- nervous projection structures of the anterior arm region in human fetuses.The study was conducted on preparations of the upper limbs of 48 human fetuses aged from 4 to 10 months using macromicroscopic dissection, injection of vessels, and morphometry.It was established that in human fetuses the projection of the main vascular of the nerve bundle of the shoulder on the skin corresponds to the line that connects the point between the middle and front thirds of the width of the axillary fossa to the middle ulnar fossa. The median nerve in the upper third of the shoulder is determined near the medial edge of the biceps muscle of the shoulder, as a rule, laterally of the brachial artery, within the middle of the anterior region of the arm, median the nerve crosses the brachial artery in front and goes straight in the lower third of the shoulder approximately from the brachial artery. Projection of the ulnar nerve within the upper third of the anterior region of the arm corresponds to the projection of the main vascular- nerve bundle, within the middle and lower thirds – the line that connects the middle of the medial bicipital groove of the shoulder with the medial epicondyle of the humerus. An anatomical landmark for the determination of topography of the main vein, the median cutaneous nerve of the forearm and of the median nerve is the medial edge of the biceps muscle of the shoulder, and the lateral edge of this muscle is a landmark for identifying the main vein.Obtained data on fetal and projection anatomy of structures of the anterior region of the arm in human fetuses of diff erent ages have an important role and applied value and will reduce the risk of iatrogenic injuries and exclude the possibility of developing vascular and nervous complications in the postoperative period, choose the correct tactics of operative interventions in the anterior region of the arm.

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