
In response to a decrease in satisfaction to 69.3%, we resolved to optimize the process of conducting conscription physical examinations. After an investigatory panel conducted an analysis, the following problems were identified. Firstly, the poorly designed route lead to dense queues between exam stations. Secondly, the procedures for changing the dates of conscription physical examinations were cumbersome. Lastly, unexpected contacts between examinees and the patients in the hospital occurred from time to time, which increases the risk of cross infection. This project was developed to improve the level of satisfaction in conscription physical examinations and increase the quality of medical services provided. After brainstorming and reviewing the related literature, we identified several actions to address and resolve the problems. We adopted non-crossing lines, divided the servicemen's cabins for inspection, simplified the information system process, relocated the physical examination venue, and planned education and training. Satisfaction with the examination process increased from 69.3% to 90.3%. A survey-based review of the conscription physical examination process should be conducted annually to ensure the procedures are as smooth as possible and to improve the quality of medical services provided.

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