
Facing a fast and innovative environment, micro and small-sized technology-based firms have dawned offering to the market, innovative solutions and consequently have become the subject of academic studies. Also they have been the subject of interest of governments and also economic agents, because these firms can offer local and regional development of the communities where they operate. This article aims to explore the studies directed to the application of project management in the development of new products in micro and small-sized technology-based companies. As a research method, was used the systematic literature review in order to identify and interpret the leading publications on the subject in the scientific literature of the last ten years. The sample was obtained from the ISI Web of Knowledge and Proquest data bases, presenting only thirteen articles from sectors, countries and different knowledge areas, with a predominance of publications linked to the development of new technology products in the software segment. This systematic literature review found no related studies directly with the application of project management in the development of new products of small and medium-sized technology-based firms, but it was important to demonstrate the need for a deeper study of this subject.

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