
One of the most important aspects of the desalination projects is the environmental impact and particularly the brine discharges. For seawater projects it seems that the problem is solved or at least controlled, by means of the usual practices (previous environmental studies, previous discharge dilution, use of diffusers and other devices, location of the brine discharge and/or vigilance plans). In the case of brackish water and mainly inland, the brine discharge is a very important problem with a no clear solution. The main solutions used for these plants are: Discharge to the sewer nets (with the associated problems at the recipient WWTP); Deep well injection; Zero liquid discharge (ZLD) systems based mainly in evaporation-crystallization technologies; Blending with other discharges (e.g. wastewater); Sea discharge in coastal areas. Currently it seems that the main R&D projects in desalination are focussed about energy consumption as well as brine impact reduction. This paper will show a R&D project abo...

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