
According to Skyscraper Center, a website for world’s tall builidings database Indonesia ranked 7th globally for most –have tall buildings country. As for the city category Jakarta itself ranked 10th globally with 407 buildings.A High-rise building project has its own uniqueness such as involves many disciplines and complexities also high risk of uncertainty. Cost factor is one of the biggest risk which is the contractor should consider the most. The most responsible people, the contractor required to understand and have an ability how to manage many aspects such as cost risk to achieve the project goals: the optimum cost performance, quality and schedule which were budgeted and agreed upon. This research aimed to identify the risk of project cost and construction performance indicators.The stages of methodology of this research as followed, studied the relevant issues, identified the research’s concern, prepared the research’s instruments, analyzed the research’s concern and discussed the results. The quantitative method applied in this research. Primary and secondary source of data used in this research.

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