
The current criminal procedure law of Ukraine stipulates that a witness is obliged to give a true testimony during pre-trial investigation and trial, however, the legislator made an exception for this by specifying the categories of persons who have been granted immunity from immunity, ie they are released by law. testify. The article deals with the problems of law and practice regarding the prohibition of the interrogation of a notary as a witness in criminal proceedings and the release of him from the obligation to keep the notarial secret by the person who entrusted him with the information which is the subject of this secret.
 The notion of notarial secrecy is proposed to be changed, since the subject of this secrecy is not only information that became known to the notary public from the interested person, but also those information that the notary received from other sources in the performance of their professional duties, as well as the procedural activity of the notary himself, is aimed at achieving a certain legal result.
 The proposal made in the legal literature to supplement the CPC of Ukraine with the provisions that a notary is subject to interrogation as a witness on information that constitutes a notarial secret, if the notarial acts were declared illegal in accordance with the procedure established by law
 The proposal to increase the list of persons who are not subject to interrogation as witnesses about the information constituting a notarial secret is substantiated, this clause is proposed to be supplemented by provisions that, apart from the notary, are not notarized, other notarials, notaries as well as the persons mentioned in Part 3 of Art. 8 of the Law of Ukraine "On Notary".
 Amendments to the current CPC of Ukraine by the amendments proposed in this publication will significantly improve the law prohibiting the interrogation of a notary as a witness in criminal proceedings, as well as improve certain theoretical provisions of the institute of witness immunity in criminal proceedings.


  • The current criminal procedure law of Ukraine stipulates that a witness is obliged to give a true testimony during pre-trial investigation

  • they are released by law

  • The article deals with the problems of law and practice regarding the prohibition

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Метою цієї статті є розгляд питання про заборону допиту нотаріуса як свідка у кримінальному процесі та звільнення його від обов’язку зберігати нотаріальну таємницю особою, що довірила йому відомості, які є предметом даної таємниці. 65 КПК України зазначено, що не можуть бути допитані як свідки нотаріуси – про відомості, які становлять нотаріальну таємницю. «Про нотаріат», згідно з якою нотаріус не має права давати свідчення в якості свідка щодо відомостей, які становлять нотаріальну таємницю, крім випадків, коли цього вимагають особи, за дорученням яких або щодо яких вчинялися нотаріальні дії2.

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