
This study is relevant in light of a thorough investigation of alcohol control and prohibition in the United States of America, the United Arab Emirates, and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. In order to establish the causes of their successes or failures on the matter it is necessary to analize experiences in the regulation of alcohol abuse and consumption in the modern world, as well as ideological and procedural differences in alcohol control campaigns. The purpose of this study is to investigate the features of the introduction of prohibition in the United States of America, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the United Arab Emirates, looking to establish and interpret the results of their anti-alcohol campaigns. A wide array of methods were used to carry out the investigation, such as: dialectical method; formalisation; cognitive method; formal-legal method; hermeneutical method; logical-legal method; systemic method; structural-functional method; axiomatic method; method of induction and deduction; and method of analysis and synthesis. The study analysed various anti-alcohol campaigns; established the background to the introduction of Prohibition in the United States of America, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the United Arab Emirates; assessed the main successes and failures of Prohibition; identified reasons for the repeal of alcohol bans; and highlighted differences between the various anti-alcohol campaigns in the United States of America,the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the United Arab Emirates. The findings include: a definition ofthe phenomenon of “prohibition” itself, and what preceded it; a study of the anti-alcohol campaign in the United States and the consequences arising from the introduction of Prohibition; an examination of thenature of alcohol restrictions and bans in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the many failures ofGorbachev's anti-alcohol campaign; and a study of the reasons for keeping alcohol restrictions in the United Arab Emirates. The provisions enshrined in this article are of practical value primarily to government officials whose responsibilities include campaigning against alcohol and its effects on law enforcement, economic policy, regulatory entities and other spheres of public life.

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