
A condition characterized by progressive swelling, hyperkeratosis, and fibrosis of the distal limbs has been recognized in Shire, Clydesdale, and Belgian draft horses. This chronic progressive disease starts at an early age, progresses throughout the life of the horse, and often ends in disfigurement and disability of the limbs that inevitably leads to the horse's premature death. This study was undertaken to better characterize this disease. Six affected horses were donated for diagnostic workup. A detailed clinical, radiologic, gross, and histologic description is given in this report. The lesions in the limb consisted of progressive development of thick-walled lymphatics, associated with chronic dermal edema, inflammation, fibrosis, neovascularization, and elastin degeneration. In the end stages, arteriosclerosis and fibrosed veins were also present. The clinical signs and pathologic changes in this disease closely resemble the human condition of elephantiasis nostras verrucosa, a state in which chronic lymphedema plays a pivotal pathogenic role.

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