
<p>Mid-latitude mountain ranges such as the Eastern Alps are characterized by a strong topographic imprint of Pleistocene glaciations. The characteristic geometry of glacial landforms has been quantified in various ways, but studies about the evolution of glacial landscape metrics are lacking. However, such information is needed to interpret the evolutionary state of glacial topography.</p><p>By employing a landscape evolution model for cold climate processes, we trace the fluvial-to-glacial transformation of a synthetic landscape. Our simulations inspired by alpine glaciations of mid-latitude mountain ranges with peaks and ridges towering above the glacier network lead to a general increase in relief. This is expressed as the formation of overdeepened valleys with steepened flanks. Overdeepening starts at the glacier front and progressively extends upstream with ongoing glacial erosion.</p><p>The topographic signature of the progressively transforming landscape is characterized by an increase of mean channel slopes and its variance. However, above the steep flanks, the initial fluvial topography is persisting. Whereas the initial fluvial mountain range is characterized by a monotonic increase of channel slope with elevation, a transition from increasing to decreasing channel slope with elevation emerges above the equilibrium line altitude where (tributary-)headwalls transition to ridges and summits. This turning point and a high slope variance becomes progressively distinctive with ongoing glacial occupation.</p><p>By comparing landscape metrics derived from model time series with those of the Eastern Alps, we found that the temporal transition observed in our numerical experiments occur as spatial transition from the fully glaciated western to a minorly glaciated eastern part of the Alps. Thus, slope-elevation plots serve as a diagnostic tool for interpreting the glacial - fluvial influence in mountain landscapes. However, catchments of the unglaciated part of the Eastern Alps show also turning points in their slope-elevation distributions, but the variance of slope is significantly smaller at all elevation levels, when compared to the glaciated part.</p>

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