
A chief warning from George R.R. Martin is that the “night is dark and full of terror.” This article is a critical reflection on a moment from Martin’s masterpiece, A Song of Ice and Fire. Through a close reading of the series, I found that one of the most poignant moments is Daenerys Targaryen’s visionary journey through the House of the Undying. It was in this moment that I found the influence of the indelible Dante Alighieri. My article parallels Daenerys’s journey alongside Dante’s journey through hell in his Inferno. I begin by drawing a comparison between the warning Daenerys is given by Pyat Pree and the warning found outside of the gates of hell in Inferno. I finish by considering the prophecy of the three treasons experienced by Daenerys, mirroring Dante’s vision of Lucifer. While these experiences may seem dark, there are moments of light interspersed. Throughout this article, I also reflect on how Game of Thrones interprets Daenerys’s visions as prophecy. Ultimately, I conclude that the true story of “ice and fire” is the story that leads one from bondage to freedom in the ultimate search for truth.

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