
Woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) are native to Minnesota but started to decline in the mid 1800s and disappeared from the state by 1940. Their demise had been attributed to extensive timber harvest and ovethunting; but more recently mortality from the meningeal worm, Parelaphostrongylus tenuis, carried by white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), and increased prédation by timber wolves (Canis lupus) and black bears (Ursus americanus) have been suggested as additional causes. We describe a current initiative to explore feasibility of restoring caribou to the boundary waters region of Minnesota and Ontario. Feasibility studies have been conducted under the guidance of the North Central Catibou Corporation (NCCC), a non-governmental organization with representation from relevant state, federal, Native American, and Canadian agencies. Results indicate a) Within Minnesota the most suitable site for woodland caribou lies within the eastern sector of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (BWCAW), and this is contiguous with a similarly suitable sector of Ontario's Quetico Provincial Park: Together these comprise the recommended 1300-km2 Boundary Waters Caribou Region (BWCR); b) Vegetation in the BWCR has changed little since the 1920s when caribou were last present other than effects of fire suppression; c) Level of white-tailed deer, hence the meningeal worm, is so low in the BWCR that this factor is unlikely to impede survival of re-introduced caribou; d) While wolf numbers within the wider region are relatively high, their impacts may be minimized if caribou are released in small, widely scattered groups; in addition, an abundance of lakes with islands affords good summer-time prédation security; e) Threat to calves from black bears, probably more numerous than in earlier times, appears lessened by the security of lakeshores and islands; and f) A simulation model, combining knowledge from elsewhere with the BWCR assessment, suggests that released animals have a 0.2 to 0.8 chance of increasing in numbers during the first 20 years post-release. Strategies for maximizing success are identified. NCCC has concluded that the only practical approach that remains for determining restoration feasibility is through experimental releases or caribou. While promise of eventual success appears only moderate, the NCCC feels that costs and uncertainties associated with the experiment are justified by the environmental benefits from a success. Even if the effort fails, valuable knowledge would accrue for conservation biologists in general. An action plan is outlined, and progress and problems in selling the caribou initiative are discussed.


  • Native woodland caribou of Minnesota began declining in the mid 19th Century and disappeared completely by the early 1940s (Fashingbauer, 1965)

  • Summary and conclusions from the feasibility studies Despite serious uncertainties about success in restoring caribou to the Boundary Waters Caribou Region, the majority of N C C C Board of Directors agreed in 1996 that it was still fully reasonable and worthwhile to undertake experimental releases. Their conclusion reflected the following considerations: a) After the comprehensive feasibility studies, the only practical means left for better estimating whether this restoration will succeed is through experimental releases and follow-up monitoring; b) Considering the high environmental benefits from a successful restoration, the estimated level of risk is judged fully acceptable; and c) Regardless of outcome, such experimentation would provide important scientific information for restoration efforts in general; and, should released animals fail to sustain themselves, habitat deficiencies- apparently not present 70 years ago- could be identified

  • In 1996 the N C C C prepared a draft strategy for experimental release of caribou under a set of broad guidelines: a) Stock for release should come from one or more free-living caribou population whose habitat is closely similar to the B W C R, and preferably that has been exposed to some predation; b) Multiple releases should be made over 3 years, involving up to 20 mature cows and 5 mature bulls each year; and c) Within and among years, releases should be spaced widely, with no more than 4-6 animals released at any one locale

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Native woodland caribou of Minnesota began declining in the mid 19th Century and disappeared completely by the early 1940s (Fashingbauer, 1965). Bergerud et al (1990) state that such habitat across the international border, from within the is critical for the security of young calves, as was Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness found by Cumming & Beange (1987) around Lake (BWCAW) of the Superior National Forest in Cook Nipigon, Ontario.

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