
A comparison of the creep properties of l5% cold-worked Zircaloy-2 and of annealed Zircaloy-2 is being made. In studies to develop a fuel element leak detector which removes fission products from reactor-coolant streams, experimental work included the deternination of the exchangeabiltty of Br/sup 82/ and AgBr. determination of gross fission-product retention by AgBr columns, and studies to determine possible methods of reducing gross fissionproduet contaniination of AgBr columns. A thermalneutron-flux monitoring system is being developed for the Hanfordreaciors in the development of corrosionresistant welding alloys for use with Hastelloy F, twelve experimental Ni-base alloys have been prepared. Aluminum-35 wt.% U alloys containing small additions of Sn or Zr are being evaluated on the basis of casting and fabricating characteristics mechanical pioperties, and corrosion resistance in 200 ction prod- C water. Data are reported on the effect of fast neutron reactions on the activation analysis of cement ant) cement raw materials. The investigation of radiation- induced free radicals and grafting of polyethacrylates was continued The studies concerned with stabilizing UO/sub 2/ by additions of Ja/sub 2/O/sub 3/ or Y/sub 2/ O/sub 3/ plus CaO wer e continued An investigation is being conducted to determine the effects of high pressure and high temperature on the U-O/sub 2/, system and on reaction of uranium oxide with various mixed oxides. A surveillance program concemed with the effects of irradiation on mechanical properties of A1Sl Tvpe 347 stainless steel is in progress. Because of difficulties encountered in cold rolling Nb-base binary alloys of 1.83 wt.% Cr and 4.33 wt.% Zr and several Nb-base ternary alloys an attempt was made to warm roll the forged billets at 800 F The evaluation of selected Nb-base alloys for service in pressurized-water reactors was continued. An investigation of the creep properties of Zircaloy-2 during irradiation at elevated temperatures was undertaken. Investigations are being made to establish the feasibility of continuously monitoring the oxygen content of large Na systems at concentrations below 10 ppm. Results of analysis for hydrogen content of Nb-U alloys after 140 days in 680 ction prod- F water are presented. Corrosion data are presented for Nb-U alloys exposed in 600 ction prod- F water and in NaK at 1600 ction prod- F. Various studies are being directed toward understanding the causes of gas release in UO/sub 2/. Fabrication techniques are being developed for the preparation of cermet fuel materials containing 60 to 90 vol.% of UO/sub 2/ dispersed in Cr, Mo, Nb, and stainless steel matrices. The gas-pressure-bending technique is being investigated as a possible method for fabricating Mo- and Nb- clad ceramic and cermet-type fuels. Fabrication methods are described for UC. The rate of self-diffusion of U in UC is being studied by using a tracer technique. The migration of hydrogen in Zr under the influence of a thermal gradient is being examined. Experiments were begun in producing UO/sub 2/ crystals from the vapor phase. In support of the Pebble-Bed Reactor program Battelle is studying the properties and fissiongas retention of fueled-graphite spheres. Data are reported on preirradiation and postirradiation measurements of UC specimens in capsules BMI-23-3 and BMI-23-5. Studies were begun on the preparation of large fuel plates containing UO/sub 2/ platelets. Studies are being conducted on the development of fuel. absorber, and suppressor materials for the SM-2 (For preceding period see BMI-1391.) (W.L.H.)

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