
The only one nuclear power plant in the Republic of Lithuania – Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant contains two RBMK-1500 water-cooled graphite-moderated channel-type power reactors. The first and the second reactors were shut down by the end of 2004 and by the end of 2009, respectively. During operation, the power plant has accumulated large quantities of radioactive waste, including spent nuclear fuel. As a result of the decision to implement immediate dismantling strategy for the decommissioning of the Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant, quantities of radioactive waste to be managed within the next 10–20 years will increase significantly. Therefore, a reliable and effective management of radioactive waste has become a key to the Lithuania’s nuclear programme. The paper describes key aspects of the Lithuania’s national policy and strategy in radioactive waste management, legislative and financing systems. The main emphasis is given to the progress in radioactive waste management practices. Projects on construction of new solid radioactive waste management and storage facility, disposal facilities for very low level short-lived radioactive waste and for low and intermediate level short-lived radioactive waste, new free release measurement facility, new spent nuclear fuel interim storage facility are in progress. The set of currently implemented and planned actions shall bring management, interim storage and disposal of radioactive waste in Lithuania in compliance with the radioactive waste management principles of International Atomic Energy Agency and with the good practices in force in European Union Member States.

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