
From the very beginning of the foundation of the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ITAM), its founder, the eminent scientist in mechanics Academician S. A. Khristianovich, promoted the solution of practical aerodynamics problems as one of the major scientific directions. Theoretical investigations were initiated in the areas of transsonics, supersonics, and hypersonics (theory of short waves, wing theory, jet flow, and so on). The foundation was laid for the development of experimental aerodynamics which became the center of organizational and technical objectives when the Institute came under the direction of Acad. V. V. Struminskii. During the short period (1966-1969) the wind-tunnel T-313 was considerably modernized, the low turbulence tunnels T-324 and T-325 were built and became operational, and hypersonic facilities IT-301, T-326, T-327, etc., were developed. During the same period fundamental and applied research were initiated in hydrodynamic stability, turbulence, and rarefied gas dynamics. In the following years under the guidance of Acad. N. N. Yanenko, further progress was made in these directions mainly on account of the widespread use of modern computational techniques. A computer base has been set up, including the computers BESM-6, Elbruce-i K-2, and also a series of minicomputers with all the major wind-tunnel facilities. The presence of a well developed computer base made it possible to analyze and create specialized complexes and groups of applied programs based on modern numerical modeling methods.

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