
We are engaged in an experimental effort to generate and detect squeezed vacuum fluctuations at microwave frequencies using a Josephson parametric amplifier. We have demonstrated 42% deamplification of 4.2-K thermal noise at 19.4 GHz. At this frequency the vacuum fluctuation noise is an order of magnitude smaller than 4.2-K thermal noise. We have installed cryogenic HEMT amplifiers in our apparatus, thereby increasing the detector sensitivity by an order of magnitude. Josephson parametric amplifiers have been notorious for exhibiting excess noise whose origin is still controversial. We have performed a systematic study of the noise performance of our device both below and above threshold in a variety of modes of operation. The experiments indicate that the excess noise in our device arises from low-frequency noise (0-20 MHz) propagating down dc bias lines. When an intense coherent oscillation is present in the signal passband, such as the pump when the amplifier is in the four-photon mode or the period doubled oscillations when the amplifier is operated in the three-photon mode above threshold, the low- frequency noise mixes with the coherent oscillation to generate noise sidebands in the amplifier's passband. Nevertheless, in suitable conditions, extremely low noise and high gains were achieved.

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