
D U RING the last ten years, a number of outstanding changes have taken place in intramural sports, some noticeable, others almost imperceptible, and still others in the process of realization. All these changes have had definite relationships to the older and, as far as the public is concerned, betterknown system of varsity athletics. Probably the first trend to be noticed resulted from the insistent demand on the part of the intramural players that the curriculum of sports be greatly enlarged, for the intramural movement in the beginning accepted the varsity program as an example to follow with the result that football, basket ball, baseball, track, and tennis were the first intramural sports. For this meager list of sports the varsity letter was awarded even as recently at I 920, and most of the emphasis was on team competition. When, however, the intramural program got under way, there arose an increasing demand for a wider variety of sports, and consequently the physical-education departments, although greatly hampered by the lack of facilities, began introducing the sports of swimming, wrestling, boxing, crosscountry racing, fencing, skating, handball, hockey, golf, soccer, speed ball, gymnastics, and playground ball. As a following for each of these newer sports grew up, there developed a corresponding nucleus of more skilled players, with the inevitable outcome that petitions for recognition and competition were drawn up. A number of these petitions were successful, for there are now at the University of Michigan twelve or more official varsity sports instead of the five listed in i920. There developed out of this situation a most happy outcome for the intramural program. Previously, the facilities for intramural participation had been limited in many of the more recreative sports, and furthermore, the privileges of instruction had been practically denied. Accordingly, however, as the varsity developed adequate facilities for its newly adopted sports, hours were arranged when intramural competitions could take place as well. Unexpectedly, also, here was a source of skilled teaching, for the instructors appointed to take care of the new varsity activities were eager to extend their efforts to the intramural field. In the forms of athletics for which they were responsible, the new coaches took an active hand in

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