
Heuristics I.- Alternative Solution Representations for the Job Shop Scheduling Problem in Ant Colony Optimisation.- Analyzing the Role of Smart Start Points in Coarse Search-Greedy Search.- Concealed Contributors to Result Quality - The Search Process of Ant Colony System.- Ants Guide Future Pilots.- Complex Systems I.- Information Transfer by Particles in Cellular Automata.- An Artificial Development Model for Cell Pattern Generation.- Rounds Effect in Evolutionary Games.- Modelling Architectural Visual Experience Using Non-linear Dimensionality Reduction.- An Evolutionary Benefit from Misperception in Foraging Behaviour.- Simulated Evolution of Discourse with Coupled Recurrent Networks.- How Different Hierarchical Relationships Impact Evolution.- A Dual Phase Evolution Model of Adaptive Radiation in Landscapes.- Biological Systems I.- Directed Evolution of an Artificial Cell Lineage.- An Integrated QAP-Based Approach to Visualize Patterns of Gene Expression Similarity.- Complement-Based Self-Replicated, Self-Assembled Systems (CBSRSAS).- Self-maintained Movements of Droplets with Convection Flow.- Structural Circuits and Attractors in Kauffman Networks.- The Effects of Learning on the Roles of Chance, History and Adaptation in Evolving Neural Networks.- Unsupervised Acoustic Classification of Bird Species Using Hierarchical Self-organizing Maps.- The Prisoner's Dilemma with Image Scoring on Networks: How Does a Player's Strategy Depend on Its Place in the Social Network?.- Heuristics II.- Population-Based Ant Colony Optimisation for Multi-objective Function Optimisation.- Mechanisms for Evolutionary Reincarnation.- An Evolutionary Algorithm with Spatially Distributed Surrogates for Multiobjective Optimization.- Examining Dissimilarity Scaling in Ant Colony Approaches to Data Clustering.- Complex Systems II.- A Framework for the Co-evolution of Genes, Proteins and a Genetic Code Within an Artificial Chemistry Reaction Set.- In-Formation Flocking: An Approach to Data Visualization Using Multi-agent Formation Behavior.- A Principled Approach to Swarm-Based Wall-Building.- Pattern Extraction Improves Automata-Based Syntax Analysis in Songbirds.- Heuristics III.- A Modified Strategy for the Constriction Factor in Particle Swarm Optimization.- A Differential Evolution Variant of NSGA II for Real World Multiobjective Optimization.- Investigating a Hybrid Metaheuristic for Job Shop Rescheduling.- Enhancements to Extremal Optimisation for Generalised Assignment.- Biological Systems II.- Identification of Marker Genes Discriminating the Pathological Stages in Ovarian Carcinoma by Using Support Vector Machine and Systems Biology.- Ancestral DNA Sequence Reconstruction Using Recursive Genetic Algorithms.

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