
<p class="MsoNormal" style="text-align: justify; line-height: normal;"><i><span lang="BS-LATN-BA" style="font-family: 'Times New Roman',serif;">LoRa (Long Range) and LPWA ( Low Power Wide Area) networks represent wireless communication technologies, specially designed for the needs of the Internet of Things (IoT). LoRa is a specific technology within the LPWA category. These networks make it possible to connect a large number of devices over long distances with minimal energy consumption. Key features include long reach, low latency, energy efficiency and the ability to connect devices from different manufacturers. Applications include smart cities, agriculture, industry, healthcare and energy. The success of these technologies in Bosnia and Herzegovina depends on various factors, including regulatory framework support, user understanding, investment in infrastructure, and cooperation between the public and private sectors. Further development is expected with a focus on increasing capacity, interoperability, security and application in different sectors, which will contribute to the growing adoption of IoT technologies. The implementation of LoRA and LPWA networks requires a multidisciplinary approach that includes aspects of communication technology, hardware, security and software. It is important to carefully plan, test and maintain the network to ensure its effectiveness and stability over time.</span></i></p>

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