
To form the comprehensive, market-oriented regional career guidance system the government of the Krasnoyarsk territory adopted «The strategy for the professional orientation development of the population in the Krasnoyarsk territory». Its priority tasks: - career guidance based on trends in the development of the labor market and monitoring the human resource needs of the economy in the Siberian Federal District; - improving the process in professional and personal self-determination of students at general education organizations, - continuity of self- determination support in the profession; - new approaches introduction to the content and forms of career guidance. This article provides examples of solving the tasks set by the strategy at the Krasnoyarsk state agrarian university for the development of social capital in rural areas. University sees getting out of the current situation with the staff deficit in the agro-industrial complex in the interaction of all subjects of career guidance: educational organizations, organizations of secondary and higher professional education, employers, institutions of further education, inter- school educational complexes and "Center for professional orientation and psychological support of the population"; and also in the creation a common information space for all project participants. The article considers the effectiveness of career guidance areas that use a combination of both traditional passive and active methods of work.

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