
American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers Inc. Abstract Flexibility is the key word in selecting the general purpose digital computer for supervisory control systems. The economic objectives of supervisory control are dependent upon utilization of this flexibility in matching the changing conditions of the oilfield. The development of an excellent programming system is vital to utilization of this flexibility. This paper discusses the steps Continental oil Company uses in developing a programming package for oil production control systems. package for oil production control systems. These steps include:selecting a central processing unit,fixing the programming processing unit,fixing the programming responsibility,selecting a programming staff,training the programming staff,developing a programming environment, andestablishing programming concepts. Program systems development is dynamic rather than a static process. Therefore, it is likely that many of the ideas presented will be modified as further knowledge and development in the computer control field becomes available. SELECTING A CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT After a feasibility study shows that a supervisory control system should be installed, several important decisions must be made which will affect the growth and operation of the system. The most important of these decisions involves selecting the equipment to be used as the central processing unit. "Hardwired" or fixed logic units were predominant during the introduction of supervisory predominant during the introduction of supervisory control systems to the oilfield. Later, limited programming capability was added to these fixed programming capability was added to these fixed logic units by means of drum memory. Today the trend is toward the use of a general purpose digital computer as the central processor. The factors influencing this trend are summarized as follows:The ability to program the logic of the digital computer offers increased flexibility over the "hardwired" unit.Detailed analysis of process variables needed in current systems requires the use of complex logic not available in "hardwired" central units.

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