AbstractThis is a research into the assessment of tourism industry quality and programing for its development in Iran. In a tough economic situation, the hypothesis is to grow and develop the national economy with the help of the tourism industry. A unified assessment of tourism industry quality, method is made use of in this study, which is based on the case study of all elements of Iran tourism industry system. Quality assessment by means of unified problems (indicators) that hinder the maximum development of the tourism industry shows the reliability of the hypothesis. SWOT analysis aided to determine the weaknesses and threats aiming at raising the quality of the indicators. In addition, a linear programming from the standpoint of internal and external relations with national economy has been applied. The analysis revealed that the system of the tourism industry is unable to assist the macro economy. The failure corresponds to scarcely favorable natural environmental conditions, capacity for motivatin...
This paper is to see how the tourism industry contributes to the growth and development of national economy in Iran at a problematic time
According to the calculations of unified assessment of tourism industry quality (UATIQ), based on observing of the 32 indicators for a one-year period (2013– 2014), it was determined that the standard and regulations, the S group, have considerable defects compared to the international demands, i.e. in the field of personal tastes like dressings and drinks
In which circumstances and with help of which improvements, the tourism industry assisting the national economy towards growth and development has been analyzed
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