
This paper presents the process, strategy, and results associated with porting a typical combustion physics flow solver to current state-of-the-art and future massively-parallel computer architectures. Major focus is placed on the distinct algorithmic structure of these types of codes and how it can be integrated with modern programming paradigms for heterogeneous platforms (i.e., distributed many-core systems with accelerators). An end-to-end case study is presented that exemplifies the process in a generic manner, which then serves as a clear guide with respect to the strategy and best practices leading to a robust and adaptable framework that performs well, is durable over time, is portable, and requires minimal human-effort. This end is accomplished beginning with the use of a mature, validated, structured, multiblock code framework optimized for application of both Large Eddy Simulation (LES) and Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS). This code has been ported to a variety of platforms over the past decade, including most recently the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility’s “Summit” Platform. The experience gained on these multiple platforms provides general insights and thus the results presented are not specific to any one code or platform other than the overarching trend toward distributed many-core systems with accelerators in order to move toward exascale performance. The resultant performance and scalability of the ported code is demonstrated on a real-world application; a state-of-the-art rotating detonation rocket engine simulation that matches the complex geometry and boundary conditions imposed as part of a companion experimental campaign.

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