
Neurotrophins control neuron number during development by promoting the generation and survival of neurons and by regulating programmed neuronal death. In the latter case, the cell death induced by nerve growth factor (NGF) in the developing chick retina is mediated by p75NTR, the common neurotrophin receptor (J. M. Frade, A. Rodriguez-Tebar, and Y.-A. Barde, 1996, Nature 383, 166–168). Here we show that NGF also induces the programmed death of paraxial mesoderm cells in the developing somites. Both NGF and p75NTR are expressed in the somites of chick embryos at the time and the place of programmed cell death. Moreover, neutralizing the activity of endogenous NGF with a specific blocking antibody, or antagonizing NGF binding to p75NTR by the application of human NT-4/5, reduces the levels of apoptotic cell death in both the sclerotome and the dermamyotome by about 50 and 70%, respectively. Previous data have shown that Sonic hedgehog is necessary for the survival of differentiated somite cells. Consistent with this, Sonic hedgehog induces a decrease of NGF mRNA in somite explant cultures, thus showing the antagonistic effect of NGF and Sonic hedgehog with respect to somite cell survival. The regulation of programmed cell death by NGF/p75NTR in a mesoderm-derived tissue demonstrates the capacity of neurotrophins and their receptors to influence critical developmental processes both within and outside of the nervous system.

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