
AbstractThe value of Matteson‐type reactions has been increasingly recognized for developing automated organic synthesis. However, the typical Matteson reactions almost exclusively focus on homologation of carbon units. Here, we report the detailed development of sequential insertion of nitrogen and carbon atoms into boronate C−B bonds, which provides a modular and iterative approach to access functionalized tertiary amines. A new class of nitrenoid reagents is uncovered to allow direct formation of aminoboranes from aryl or alkyl boronates viaN‐insertion. The one‐potN‐insertion followed by controlled mono‐ or double‐carbenoid insertion has been realized with widely available aryl boronates. The resulting aminoalkyl boronate products can undergo further homologation and various other transformations. Preliminary success on homologation ofN,N‐dialkylaminoboranes and sequentialN‐and C‐insertions with alkyl boronates have also been achieved. To broaden the synthetic utility, selective removal of a benzyl or aryl substituent permits access to secondary or primary amine products. The application of this method has been demonstrated in the modular synthesis of bioactive compounds and the programmable construction of diamines and aminoethers. A plausible reaction mechanism, supported by preliminary NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) and computational studies, is also proposed.

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