
The program development process for substance abusers is very challenging. Planning and evaluation in substance abuse prevention and treatment is continuously affected by change. It requires extraordinary flexibility, adaptability, and creativity to insure that programs are designed to effectively meet the multiple needs of the clientele. Counselors must not only be Jommied to staying abreast of tnc current best practi.:.e;:, in the broad field of human services, but they must also critically examine and evaluate those practices in an ongoing quest to find more effective approaches to critical problems. This is especially true in the area of substance abuse where treatment outcomes have been consistently poor. This chapter presents a six step approach to planning and evaluation. To facilitate the recall of the six steps, the RAPPER Model is offered. It requires the use of each letter to recall the key first words which describe the steps in the process: review the literature; assess the need; plan goals, objectives, and strategies to achieve them; practice those strategies which best address the needs; evaluate the effectiveness of the chosen strategies; and repeat effective strategies. As a model that emphasizes a commitment to continuous improvement based upon ongoing program planning and evaluation, it should be viewed dynamically, like a wheel that is in constant motion. Also included is a facilitator's manual which is a practical guide for teaching content through guided experiential projects. Objectives are listed for each lesson. Eleven student activities are provided. (MKA) Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document. Program Planning and Evaluation

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