
Assembly line balancing (ALBP) is a problem that often occurs in industrial engineering as part of the NP-hard combinatorial optimization problem. Which means no one can guarantee the optimal solution in solving the problems. ALBP used to solve balance optimization problem with a series of elements that are assigned to work in a particular station by the restrictions that have been set. Input needed to obtain optimal results include work element, cycle time, process time for each work element and number of predecessors. These data are needed in large number for the implementation in the real world and is not recommended to do calculations manually because it required long time. This paper implements one of line balancing algorithm i.e. Ranked Positional Weight (RPW) designed using Java programming language. The program can read a maximum of 50 work elements and a maximum of 3 predecessors for each element executed with 3 different times. The results will be the optimum number of work stations, work elements assigned to each station and line balance efficiency for each different cycle time.

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