
Objective of the study was generally to find out and describe the effectiveness of the implementation of health training at the Pekanbarau Health Training Center. This research is evaluation researchbased on the CIPP evaluation model (Context, Input, Process, Product) with the object of research is the BAPELKES program as a training center in Pekan Baru Riau, using a qualitative approach. This approach has a superiority that provides a comprehensive study of social phenomena carried out by researchers. The study used a mixed research approach (mixed methods), namely research that combines qualitative and quantitative approaches to answer research problems. Qualitative research is a process of scientific research to understand human problems in a social context by creating a comprehensive and complex picture presented, reporting detailed views of sources of information, and carried out in natural settings without any intervention from the researcher. The design of this study focused on four components of the CIPP evaluation model, namely context (Context), input (input), process (process), and results (product). The context component provides information for decision makers in planning a program that will continue, identifies the rational of a program, explains the relevant environmental conditions, describes the existing conditions, the foundation of program implementation, and identifies unmet needs and opportunities that have not been utilized. The results of the study show that the existence of BAPELKES as a training center is very much needed. Then it can be concluded that the context component of the evaluation program at the Pekan Baru Riau health education center has high / good actuality.

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