
Background: It is important to predict the severity of acute pancreatitis as early as possible in order to optimize the therapy and to prevent organ dysfunction and local complications. Several scores of severity have been proposed. New biochemical markers are now available besides physiological and radiological markers. Our study was done to know the relation between interleukin 6 (IL-6) concentrations, Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II (APACHE-II) scores and computed tomography (CT) severity index in acute pancreatitis. Patients and Methods: The study was done in Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Aligarh Muslim University from December 2011 to November 2013. Blood sample was taken between 24 and 48 h from the onset of symptoms and IL-6 was assessed using ELISA method and compared with physiological APACHE-II and CT Severity scores. Results: Mean IL-6 levels were found to be higher in higher APACHE-II score categories and the difference was significant statistically (P 0.7). However, the IL levels did not correlate with the modified CT severity index. Conclusion: APACHE-II scores show a strong correlation with IL-6 levels within the limitation of having patients of only lower order of APACHE-II scores. Nonsignificant correlation with CT severity index was found. This should encourage us to use biochemical parameters to determine the severity of acute pancreatitis instead of CT standards.

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